- Introduction :
These Conference terms and conditions, plus any additions and amendments thereto by GrainCom Events SA (collectively the “Terms and Conditions”) form the main terms and conditions for attendance at or participation in any of GrainCom Events SA Conferences. These Terms and Conditions apply to each and every individual registering, attending, or otherwise participating in GrainCom Events SA Conferences. As a Registrant for a Conference you must comply with these Terms and Conditions.
- Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Terms and Conditions :
As a condition of your attendance at the Conference, you, Registrant, acknowledge and agree you have read and fully understand the Terms and Conditions, as set forth above. By acknowledging your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, you knowingly, voluntarily, and without duress, hereby agree to be bound and abide by the Terms and Condition for the Conference or Conferences you participant in.
3.Force Majeure :
If GrainCom Events SA is prevented from carrying out its obligations as it pertains to the Conference you registered for as a result of any cause beyond its control, or such Conference cannot be held or does not occur due to acts of God, strikes, labor disputes, government requisitions, restrictions or regulations on travel, hotel or facility availability, commodities or supplies, war or apparent act of war, terrorism, disaster, civil disorder, epidemic or pandemic, curtailment or restriction on transportation facilities, or any other comparable calamity, casualty or condition (collectively a “Force Majeure”) GrainCom Events SA. shall have the right to immediately terminate the affected Conference without liability and shall be relieved of its obligations towards Registrant.
4.Recording/Photographs at Conferences :
By registering for a Conference, you, the Registrant, acknowledge that film, video and photographs are being taken at public areas of the Conference (sessions room, etc.). By you attending a Conference and your presence at such Conference, you give unqualified consent to GrainCom Events SA, and its agents to record, use and publicize your voice, actions, likeness, and appearance, (collectively “Recording”) in any manner and media, in marketing materials, educational products and publications, without compensation or obligation to you or your heirs and assigns; and (ii) GrainCom Events SA will retain the exclusive right, title and interest (including all worldwide copyrights) to any such Recordings, free of any claims by you or any other person deriving any rights or interest from you.
- Code of Conduct at GrainCom Events SA Conferences :
GrainCom Events SA is dedicated to making our Conferences as inclusive as possible for all of our delegates, attendees, sponsors, partners, vendors, guests and all others (collectively “Participants”) in attendance at our Conferences, regardless of a person’s race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, gender or gender identity, or otherwise. GrainCom Events SA is committed to providing a safe and harassment free environment at all of our Conferences that are free of fear, intimidation, or ridicule, and, taking appropriate steps to create Conferences that are safe, enjoyable and productive for all individuals participating in our Conferences. To achieve these goals, GrainCom Events SA does not and will not tolerate harassment of, or hostile behavior towards, any Conference Participant in any form or manner. If GrainCom Events SA management’s or leadership’s, in its sole discretion, finds that you have engaged in any harassing behavior at the Conference you attend, or in violation of these Terms and Conditions, in particular this Article 4 5 providing for GrainCom Events SA ‘ Code of Conduct, then, you may, at GrainCom Events SA management’s or leadership’s sole discretion, be expelled from such Conference with no refund of your paid registration fees and any other fees you paid to participate in the Conference, and/or disqualified from attending or participating in any future GrainCom Events SA Conferences. Please note that the views and opinions expressed in sessions are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the positions of GrainCom Events SA.
- Non Discrimination Policy :
GrainCom Events SA will use its reasonable endeavours to comply with all laws applicable in relation to discrimination on any grounds. Accordingly, GrainCom Events SA is committed to providing equality of opportunity and fair treatment for all. GrainCom Events SA will not intentionally discriminate on the basis of gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion, culture or disability in dealing with the delegates will use its reasonable endeavours to comply with all applicable laws. Accordingly, GrainCom Events SA is committed to providing equality of opportunity and fair treatment for all. GrainCom Events SA will not intentionally discriminate on the basis of gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion, culture or disability in dealing with the delegates.
- Severability :
If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be unenforceable or invalid under any applicable law, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not render these Terms and Conditions unenforceable or invalid as a whole, and such provisions shall be deleted without affecting the remaining provisions herein.
- Indemnification :
You hereby agree to indemnify to the fullest extent GrainCom Events SA from and against any and all liabilities, costs, demands, causes of action, damages and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or in any way related to your breach of any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
- Variation of Terms and Conditions :
GrainCom Events SA is permitted to revise these Terms and Conditions at any time as it sees fit, and those registered are expected to review such Terms and Conditions on a regular basis to ensure you understand all terms and conditions governing. Governing Law & Jurisdiction. These Terms and Conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of courts of Geneva, Switzerland for the resolution of any disputes.